

14 February 2016

South Carolina Campaign 2016 primary decision: Knockout for Donald Trump, according to online poll

In what could better be called a slugfest than a political contest in the Campaign 2016 Republican South Carolina primary, Donald Trump hammered Ted Cruz for being a liar & the Bush family for 9/11 & lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

 And to boot, Trump also hammered the Bush family for using private eminent domain for their stadium project in Texas, insinuating Jeb Bush is a hypocrite for blaming The Donald for using private eminent domain. Trump has argued that the Keystone Pipeline, a private project Jeb Bush strongly supports, extensively proposes use of private eminent domain, which is, by the way, the purchase of someone's private party coercively to further a project.

All this, public sentiment shows, Trump scored a decisive victory.

Here is a poll published by Time Magazine:
Click to read an article about the debate

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