

31 January 2016

30 January 2016

The U.S. may be ready for socialism!

The latest Iowa Democratic presidential campaign 2016 poll is now out, and it reveals considerable support for socialism and for Bernie.
Feel the Bern!

Iowa poll results just prior to 2016 presidential caucus

This, I believe, is the final poll before the Republican 2016 Iowa caucus & is published by the Iowa's primary paper, The Des Moines Register. 

Trump on top, Bush at the bottom!

29 January 2016

Trump dominates in big pre-Iowa caucus poll

Trump jubilantly prepares for the Iowa Republican 2016 presidential caucus, scheduled for Feb 1, 2016, with polls showing massive support--despite his absence from the Jan 28, 2016, debate.
Click to read article referencing this poll

24 January 2016

Humorous & mysterious reads

Anyone who enjoys both comedy and suspense will enjoy the Rabbi Small Mysteries by Harry Kemelman. His books contain a rare combination of mystery and humor in wonderful and entertaining ways. 

Great reads!
Rabbi Small, main character--a hilarious sleuth!

23 January 2016

Countdown timer to U.S. Election Day 2016

Indeed, U.S. Election Day 2016 is nearing, so here is the countdown:

Trump leads in Iowa as caucuses near

February 1, 2016, is Iowa's caucus, the first ballot in the 2016 presidential campaign, and Donald Trump tops the field by a considerable margin.
Click here to view article featuring this poll

22 January 2016

Trump near 50% in nationwide poll

Trump continues to excite the electorate, as this poll shows and as the Iowa caucus nears (on February 1, 2016).
Click to read article featuring this poll

19 January 2016

Jesus may not love you

Jesus loves all the little people of the world, right? For he so loved the world, right? Not so fast! Though scripture can be cited to validate his loving nature, Jesus restricted his affection to a smaller community that must adhere to his rules.

Read on for validation of Jesus' stipulation for inclusion into his family fold.
Simply put, you need to do God's will to be part of the holy family.

Trump sizzles in polls

Poll after poll, the results are similar: Trump at #1. Hope he's not tired of winning yet!
Click to see a more recent national poll!

16 January 2016

Trump triumphant in Republican debate

On 14 January 2016 'The Donald' delivered a masterful performance in the Fox Business News Republican debate. Online polls validate that.
Results for 1st-and-2nd place finishers

12 January 2016

Trump trounces the Republican pack!

Donald Trump continues at a torrid pace in the race for the Republican nomination, as this poll shows.
Click for full article!

11 January 2016

State of the Middle East

The longest military conflict/war waged by the United States in its history intended to foster democracy & freedom in the war-ravaged Middle East has catastrophically resulted in total turmoil. Trillions of currency squandered and hundreds of thousands of lives on all sides lost, the world weeps.
Middle East burns, suffers, loses!

Trump rocks nationally, naturally!

Nobody does it better when it comes to winning big in the great USA! This poll proves that The Donald dominates all over the place in America.
Trump rocks from "Sea to Shining Sea."

Trump, Cruz in a road race to finish line in Iowa

The first primary contest of Campaign 2016 in Iowa could very well be a decisive factor in the primary race, as Trump insists victory is crucial, and as Cruz has practically lived in Iowa over the last number of weeks, suggesting Iowa is critical for him also. Perhaps "win it or lose it" in Iowa is the attitude concerning Campaign 2016. Trump is slightly ahead, a much-needed reality for the reality star and overall mogul and politician...
All in? Iowa matters! 

09 January 2016

Georgia digs Trump!

Donald Trump infiltrates the South with superb poll numbers!

Interestingly, "The Donald" exhibits great strength among all demographic groups.
More popular than a Georgia Bulldog! Read the article concerning this poll

Trump looking triumphant nationwide

Donald Trump persists as the front-runner in nationwide polls, even though statewide polls at times show him behind in Iowa. 
Trump prevails nationally

Trump chasing Cruz in Iowa

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has seized the reins in the most recent Iowa poll, and is being chased by Donald Trump.
Iowa Republican poll, Jan 7, 2016

07 January 2016

More nuclear power in Third World

Though many, especially activists, fear nuclear power expanding into underdeveloped lands, both the U.S. & Russia are spearheading nuclear projects in Cambodia and Vietnam (Russia to go nuclear in Cambodia. U.S. follows suit in Vietnam)

This is astonishing considering that Cambodia is so poorly developed that the United Nations had to assume financial responsibility for it recently. Vietnam fares not much better when considering that the going wage rate is about $2 per day.

Perhaps the logic is that nuclear development there will lead to economic progress that will emancipate both countries from Third World status. Or, will this lead to further nuclear weapons proliferation?

Who knows?
Third World nuclear windfall!

05 January 2016

Trump continues to dominate

An MSNBC poll taken on 1/3/2016 shows Trump with solid, double-digit numbers & a massive lead, a great way to commence the new year. 

Continue to visit the web site listed in the caption below every Tuesday at 6 AM EST for poll updates
Click this link for greater detail for greater detail

04 January 2016

Jesus did and did not exist

The question concerning Jesus' existence has a twofold answer: 1)Yes, he did exist, and 2) no, he most likely didn't.
Taking this question strictly on mythical grounds, like whether Zeus mythically but not physically existed, one can say yes, Jesus exists. Taking this question historically, on the other hand, one can say proof of Jesus' existence is sorely lacking.

An interesting read on this subject is Bart Ehrman's book Did Jesus Exist?. Even though this book contends that Jesus existed historically, it sorts through the historical record frantically and unsuccessfully, to a large extent, in attempting to prove Jesus' existence. Simply put, historical accounts of Jesus' existence are quite lacking, especially those records produced (none, really) during his lifetime. In fact, the best contended historical evidence comes from Josephus, who was born 4 years after Jesus' death, and his account, only one paragraph in length, has been widely discredited as fraudulent.

Mythically, like Zeus, yes, an abundance of literature exists, thus his omnipresence today, but myth does not translate necessarily to reality.

Ehrman's book, nevertheless, is interesting and thus a decent read.
Decent read

03 January 2016

Are psychics genuine?

Can we communicate with the dead? Can we foresee reality? If so, who can? This book, The Witch of Lime Street: Seance, Seduction, and Houdini in the Spirit World by David Jaher, addresses these questions within the context of Spiritualism, a movement that flourished in the United States early in the 20th century.

Margery Crandon, a reputed psychic, takes on the establishment, with dazzling results. The best of the best from the scientific community, including the prestigious publication Scientific American, scrutinizes her extensively.

A must read, as the following review validates: “Riveting reading...flamboyant, enigmatic, and complex characters. [Jaher] is also a diligent researcher, and his storytelling skills are impressive.”
—Wall Street Journal

Much, much more on this subsequently!

02 January 2016

The Donald grandparenting

The Donald here adorably imparting wisdom!
A young one learning from the master!

Full of fear & loathing

Hey, it's the campaign season! Campaign 2016!

A highly recommended reading sure to boost political enthusiasm is Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72.
This book details what the author, Hunter S. Thompson, considers to be wrong with American politics: namely, Richard Nixon, a dark and venal creature so vile that America sucks largely because of him!

Written in a highly engaging, humorous manner, this book will both fascinate and entertain you. One review: “Obscene, horrid, repellent . . . Driving, urgent, candid, searing . . . A fascinating, compelling book.” —The New York Post

A must read during the campaign season!
Indispensable political wisdom!