

08 September 2016

Trump in command!

Trump doing what he does best: winning!
Nobody does it better.

Vintage Trump!

Trump doing what he does best.
A signature Trump moment!

29 June 2016

Middle East blame game

When terrorism erupts, blame is cast, often from both sides. Here's one episode of that:

10 June 2016

Final Republican Campaign 2016 primary tally

Pictured below is the final tally, state by state, of the Republican campaign 2016 primary:
Trump by a landslide! Nice work, Donald!

09 June 2016

19 May 2016

A candidate to behold!

Trump? Clinton? Neither!

Here's the real thing, the best candidate ever!

28 April 2016

United States Immigration rages out of control


Despite the immigration recommendations espoused by the bipartisan Jordan commission, the U.S. disregarded them, resulting in an immigration influx at alarming numbers--nearly twice the number called for in the report.
Immigration unlimited

24 April 2016

Who's the perfect VP for Trump?

As Donald Trump scours the landscape in hopes to land the perfect VP, Bill O'Reilly, a close friend of his, has touted the perfect candidate: Governor Susana Martinez (R-NM). Look at her profile: Latina, female, and charismatic. And eminently successful!
A superb VP candidate!

Dump Trump movement takes a dump

Taking a look at a movement--with Ted Cruz as its dopey poster child --motivated to deactivate The Donald, one can see that, by observing election results, the "Dump Trump" cause has no pizazz! Hey, just look at Cruz' anemic performance in Texas (his adopted home state--remember he's from Canada), where he failed to muster anything remotely close to a clean sweep; then look at Trump's dominating NY home-state victory sweep! The numbers in Texas reveal Cruz' mild hometown performance, amounting to a mere 67% delegate take; the numbers in Trump's hometown, by contrast, reveal a Trump takedown, amounting to a 94% delegate haul.
Dump Trump movement drops a deuce

Maine can't make up its mind in Campaign 2016 Republican contest

In early March 2016, Maine held caucuses, and the result was Cruz taking 12 votes and Trump taking 9. But 3 weeks later, Maine abruptly--and probably corruptly--revised its delegate allocation, giving virtually all of them to Ted Cruz.

What the hell is going on?
Maine betrays its electorate

Trump comes home; Cruz run out of New York

After a win in Wisconsin, way out who knows where, Ted Cruz was run out of New York in its election contest--while Donald Trump soared to a much-better-than-expected victory. 

After denigrating New York for its so-called liberal "New York values" in a primary debate, Cruz faced an onslaught of scathing attacks from Trump, who praised NY for its strength of character and great kindness in the face of the Twin Towers attacks. Trump praised those "New York values," and Cruz faced annihilation in NY.
Trump takes NY by storm
Win for Cruz in Wisconsin

21 April 2016

U.S. budget performance over the years

This chart neatly reveals the US budget deficits & surpluses going quite a way back.

10 April 2016

Destroy those damned dams in Oregon, California

Both California and Oregon reached a landmark agreement to destroy 4 dams along the exquisite wild-and-scenic river, the Klamath! This will result in an expansion of whitewater rafting on the Klamath, and allow salmon to revisit their natural habitat. 
Click to read about the planned destruction of this damned monstrosity

Trump far ahead in NY, PA polls

Can Trump flush the primary toilet to rid us of the Cruz, Kasich mess? According to polls in both New York and Pennsylvania, the answer is a resounding yes!
Click here to read an article about this poll

Click here to read an article about this poll

06 April 2016

Arizona, Utah kind to Trump, Cruz, but American Samoa not quite so much in campaign 2016 contests

In the 22 March 2016 Republican presidential campaign contests, Ted Cruz & Donald Trump piled on delegates in winner-take-all contests  in both Utah (Utah was that way because Cruz topped the 50% mark) & Arizona. Meanwhile, American Samoa preferred to go largely unpledged (unbound), though of the 9 delegates 1 endorsed Trump and 1 endorsed Cruz.
Read about these contests, including American Samoa

23 March 2016

United States trade deficit staggers the imagination

How in the world did the United States manage this staggering trade deficit for 2015?
Click to review details pertaining to this travesty

Super Tuesday 3.0 results, though still incomplete

Though the primary was held on 15 March 2016, the final results are still incomplete, with Missouri hanging in the balance because of a too-close-to-call contest. This is significant because the winner will be awarded 12 more delegates.

Also significant is the Northern Mariana results, despite the 9 delegates at stake in a race where every delegate is crucial, where Donald Trump scored a nice victory to start off the day.

Overall, Trump has every reason to celebrate, going 5 and 1.
Keep in mind: the critical Missouri race is still pending!

17 March 2016

More Campaign Humor

This Trump video humorously satirizes the Democratic party's display of power against our challengers.

Sit, Hillary!

15 March 2016

A hilarious campaign moment!

At a Donald Trump campaign rally yesterday, a placard--my favorite so far-- was held up by a supporter.
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Trump takes 1st contest in Super Tuesday 3.0 by a landslide!

Trump takes the Northern Mariana Islands by a landslide, winning 73% of the vote & scooping up 9 delegates. A big win & a great way to kick off Super Tuesday 3.0!
Click to read about this landslide victory

Trump looks super on Super Tuesday 3

With Super Tuesday 3 here, Donald Trump is stronger than ever, according to a just-released poll put out by NBC News/Survey Monkey--his best showing yet in this poll!
Click for a detailed perspective of this poll
Here is the poll looked at from a graphical perspective:
Click to read an article featuring this poll

14 March 2016

Super Tuesday 3 a mixed bag for Republicans

In 3 of the 5 states up for grabs tomorrow, Trump is ahead in Illinois and Florida; but he is behind in Ohio--where Marco Rubio & John Kasich, 2 desperate candidates, are teaming with each other to urge voters to side with Kasich. Such an act, they hope, will derail Trump in Ohio.
An up_to_date article about Florida's race, just taken

11 March 2016

10 March 2016

Campaign 2016 post-Super Tuesday 2.0 delegate review reveals strength among the front-runners

Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton appear to be going all the way, politically speaking, in the Campaign 2016 presidential race.
Click to review some interesting campaign facts & figures

Trump has a super Tuesday on Super Tuesday 2.0

Trump clobbered the GOP field in states that matter most on Super Tuesday 2.0, taking Hawaii, Mississippi, and Michigan in landslides. Ted Cruz mustered a victory near the Canadian border, in Idaho, perhaps a testament to his Canadian heritage.

On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders took Michigan, a surprising upset, and Hillary helped herself to Mississippi, in a total landslide.
Click to read an article pertaining to these contests

08 March 2016

A few more Super Tuesday 2.0 polls show Trump ahead

Indeed 2 more polls show Trump still ahead nationally, though barely in one of them. In the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll scores The Donald at 30% and Ted Cruz at 27%, a reversal from the poll by the same concern released last month that showed Trump at 26%, 2 points behind Ted Cruz. In the other poll, released by the Washington Post and ABC, Trump leads Cruz 34% to 25%.
Click to read more about this poll
Click to review this poll in greater detail

Trump holds solid lead, nationally, on Super Tuesday 2.0

On Super Tuesday 2.0, The Donald holds strong in a just-released national poll, as he hopes to reel in delegates from 4 states: Michigan, Mississippi, Hawaii, & Idaho.
Click here to view detailed poll figures

07 March 2016

Trump ahead, not ahead in Michigan primary polls

Click here to read detailed info concerning this poll
Depending on which polls you observe, Donald Trump is either far ahead, or slightly behind. Three polls were taken within a few days of each other, but nevertheless do not unanimously concur with the notion that The Donald is far ahead.
Click here to review details about this poll
Click here to review more details pertaining to this poll

06 March 2016

A Republican Campaign 2016 election snapshot

As the GOP election map takes shape, the focus is clearly on The Donald.
The Donald reigns supreme, so far!

Everybody wins on Super Saturday

Trump takes two; Bernie also takes two, and Hillary helps herself to one in Super Saturday's election contests.

Michigan likes Trump, Hillary, too!

Two days from now, The Donald will score a sizable victory in Michigan's campaign 2016 primary, if polls are accurate. Hillary will fare well, too, it appears, in Michigan.
Click to read about this poll!
Hillary looks strong; Bernie not so strong!

05 March 2016

Trump marches ahead in March!

In both polls & primaries, The Donald reigns supreme, as today's (March 5, 2016) focus is on Campaign 2016 primary contests in the following states: Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, and Maine. Here are some poll numbers for upcoming contests:
Click here to read about these contests

04 March 2016

01 March 2016

A just-released poll on Super Tuesday reveals massive Trump lead

With a Super Tuesday poll, a day with 12 contests slated, The Donald reigns supreme in the contest for the Republican nomination, and the race may just be over if polls are any indication.

Click to review article pertaining to this graph

Here is the poll revealed in greater detail.

29 February 2016

Trump likely GOP nominee!

Just one day before Campaign 2016 Super Tuesday, when 12 states go to the polls, Donald Trump is so far ahead that he is likely to win the Republican nomination, according to CNN. Just add up the numbers for those trailing him & you'll see they don't even match Trump's!
Click to read about a related state poll!

28 February 2016

Presidential Campaign 2016: March political madness

As March 2016 nears, the Republican party is coming to grips with the notion that its presidential nomination may well be decided by the 1st of the month if the polls are any indicator, as Trump is ahead in most of the 11 or so contests slated for the beginning of the month.

Here are state polls for some of the March 1 contests:

Click to review some statewide polling analyses
Trump in trouble here, one of the few states to be so!

Here is a national poll.
Click to review more detailed polling info