

30 December 2015

Great read on friendship

A recipe for true friendship!
Father Andrew M. Greeley, best known as a mystery novelist, also wrote dozens of enriching nonfiction books on a range of issues dealing with, among other things, friendship, romance, spirituality, and a host of other matters.

A book I highly recommend is The Friendship Game, a marvelous how-to text for anyone who finds platonic relationships a challenge. Contending that friendship flourishes when playfulness and sharing are included in one's interpersonal journeys, Greeley demonstrates his penchant for paving the way for one's success in relationships.

A most enjoyable read!

Trump maintains lead in polls

The Donald continues his improbable, historic run with a strong lead in yet another national poll, while Bernie currently toils.
Reuters Poll, 12/23/2015

29 December 2015

Where's Trump?

These days, everyone seems to know that "The Donald" is just about everywhere, right?" Don't believe it? Then just note that Putin has Russia acknowledging him favorably, and the great USA also has everyone here doing the same. CNN, the great international news behemoth, is also included! (See photo below!)
Trump is everywhere, thank goodness!

25 December 2015

Politics & humor

Indeed, this is campaign season. But what makes politics better than a bit of humor? So, I combined my favorite marketing slogan found on a Puritan Bakery truck with a political bumper sticker. Dig this!
Visit Puritan Bakery

Puritan Bakery, Carson, CA (near L.A.)

23 December 2015

22 December 2015

Trump on top all of the time

Yet another national poll shows Trump romping along!
Emerson College Polling Society, 12/20/2015

20 December 2015

Sanders polling strongly in Democratic poll

A YouGov poll dated 17 December 2015 shows Senator Bernie Sanders faring strongly in both Iowa and New Hampshire.
YouGov poll

Ruhmana required reading in Turkmenistan

Turkmen holy book
The Ruhnama, a text purportedly authored by former Turkmen leader Saparmyrat Niyazov, is remarkable in five major ways: 1), it is required reading in Turkmenistan for virtually everyone being educated; 2) it is required reading for those hoping to work in the civil service; 3) it is required reading for anyone hoping to obtain a driver's license; 4) a gigantic mechanical statue of the text in the country's capital, Ashgabat, opens daily to a page with inspirational text; 5) anyone who reads the text three times automatically qualifies to enter Jannah (the Muslim term for heaven.

What a manifesto!

19 December 2015

His holiness the Dalai Lama on "self"

His Holiness, The Dalai Lama
Born a Hindu, the Buddha turned his faith upside down when he proclaimed "self" does not exist as we think of it, a stark contrast to Hindu belief in atman (meaning "self"). Sorry, Krishna! The Dalai Lama, in his book From Here to Enlightenment, clarifies the Buddha's concept. In a remarkable way, the Buddha distinguishes true "self" from our wrong perception of "self." The Buddha illustrates this by telling about a person who claims he sees a snake, even though it is only a rope. The snake here did not exist. Similarly, the "self" we claim to see does not exist. Our true "self," on the other hand, does exist, but we are unable to see it while in a non-enlightened state. 

This book elucidates many other aspects of Buddhism, including reality, the nonexistence of things, and enlightenment. One may argue that things exist, right? The Buddha maintains that, yes, they do, but not the way we see them. 

We'll delve more into this book in subsequent posts.

17 December 2015

Religous artifacts

A good book on relics (often, fragments of holy people's bodies) is well worth mentioning here: Rag and Bone a Journey among the World's Holy Dead, by Peter Manseau. It is well worth reading, an informative, interesting, and enjoyable read.

Relics are said to add a dose of holiness to a given environment, so possessing one just may be good. I'm fortunate to have one, a relic of Saint (Pope) John Paul II!

16 December 2015

Trump debate performance highly rated

Voters rank Trump #1 in year-end Republican debate!
Drudge poll, 12/16/2015

15 December 2015

Trump solidifies his lead, maintaining it at 40%

Trump continues strong showing in yet another nationwide poll, conducted by Morning Consult.
Morning Consult through HuffPost Pollster, 12/15/2015

14 December 2015

Trump encroaches 40% mark in nationwide poll

Trump exhibits incredible strength in a nationwide poll, dated 12/14/2015. This poll also serves as a nice progress report on the 2016 campaign season.
Monmouth University Poll, 12/14/2015

Trump, Cruz top Iowa polls

One day before a major debate in the Republican presidential 2016 primary slated to take place in Las Vegas, NV, Donald Trump & Ted Cruz are virtually even in Iowa, according to a Quinnipiac poll.

Quinnipiac poll, 12/14/2015

11 December 2015

Trump seeks Georgia!

Trump skyrockets in Georgia, according to a statewide poll.

Trump racing, not running, in 2016!

Trump continues with great momentum, as this Gravis Marketing national poll shows.

07 December 2015

Trump to the top!

Trump far ahead in CNN/ORC poll; yes, I know, earlier today a different poll reflected a surge to the top by Ted Cruz. This poll, however, claims to reflect the intent of likely voters, whereas the poll with Cruz leading samples those who voted in previous elections. Follow this link for the CNN/ORC page: (probably a temporary link)

Cruz surges to top in Iowa poll!

A Monmouth University poll released today shows Cruz toppling Trump in Iowa.

America favors Trump!

Trump continues to steamroll the competition, as he gears up for the general election of 2016. Dig these phenomenal primary poll results:

Trump rocks the polls!

30 November 2015

Republican Presidential Poll, November 27, 2015

A recent poll taken by Huffpost Pollster reveals Trump at the head of the Republican pack.
Trump on top, as of 11/27/2015!

29 November 2015

Cal State rocks!

A great U.S. presidential campaign for 2016

Presidential campaign 2016 season is here with almost as many candidates as voters, it seems. Nevertheless, this promises to a fascinating race.

Stay tuned for profiles, polls, and general news stories about these candidates here. 

Stay tuned for more!